How big are a truck’s blind spots?

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2024 | Commercial Trucking Accidents

All vehicles have blind spots that increase the chance that a driver will miss something happening around them and cause a collision as a result. Those on trucks are much bigger than most.

While most truck drivers are well aware of their blind spots, many who share the road with them have no idea just how large they are. They happily drive next to a truck, unaware that the driver has no idea they are there. Learning more about a truck’s blind spots can reduce the chance that you’ll get injured because a truck driver did not see you and ran into you mistakenly as a result.

In front of the truck

You might think that being high up gives a truck driver a great view of the road in front of them. It does, apart from the first 20 feet or so. It’s similar to how you don’t usually see your feet – your vision is ahead of you. As a car driver, make sure you leave at least 20 feet before pulling back in after overtaking a truck.

Behind the truck

Stay at least 30 feet back from a truck’s rear. If you cannot see the driver’s mirrors, they cannot see you.

To the side of the truck’s cab

If you are close to the left of their cab, they probably cannot see you. Their blind spot on this side extends across the lane. This blind spot is even larger to the right of the truck’s cab, extending across two lanes.

Do your best to stay out of a truck’s blind spots and get through them quickly when you need to pass. If a crash occurs, showing that you took appropriate care will increase the chances that you’ll get the compensation you deserve.



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